
Thembi’s 4th Treatment

Thembi first came to the attention of Saving the Survivors in late 2017. She had been poached in 2010 and had been left untreated with horrendous injuries. This is our 4th visit to treat her.

Thembi who had her beautiful young calf in tow. They both were darted to prevent mother and calf being separated. We cleaned her wound, antiseptic and antibiotics were applied, then elephant leather stitched over the wound, to help protect the area.

Dr Johan reported he was very happy with the progress and he felt given it had been just 9 months since the first treatment the wound had made significant steps to in the healing process.

It was wonderful to watch mother and calf happily reunite after Thembi was brought back around!

It is going to be a long recovery for Thembi and we couldn’t continue to treat her without your donations.