Rhino with bullet wounds
Rhino Poaching

Race against time to treat endangered pregnant rhino shot in poaching attempt.

STS Veterinary unit in Mozambique was called to assess a mature white rhino cow found in the South Africa – Mozambique Border with a severe limp and a deep wound potentially caused by a firearm.

We quickly put together a rescue operation along with Sabie Game Park management and antipoaching team. The next morning after a short drive in the beautiful reserve, the animal was found and immobilized right on the international border with Kruger National Park in South Africa (the fence in the pictures is the border).

After a lengthy search we located the injured rhino

It was clear that poachers tried to shoot this animal but luckily the shot was not deadly and the rhino managed to escape. The bullet wound was deep and severely infected. we flushed the bullet wound thoroughly with antiseptic solution, administered antibiotic treatment and reversed the anaesthesia.

Rhino Wound Treated and Flushed
ST Vet Joao treated the wound

Unfortunately, we don’t have any treatment / holding facilities in Mozambique yet so the animal will be intensively monitored in the 30,0000 hectare reserve by a dedicated team of anti-poaching rangers. In the next weeks we will have Dr Johan Marais in Mozambique to conduct X rays and a follow up treatment.

STS will publish an update on this case as son as we have more information. This case is extremely important as potentially two rhinos have been saved as we are pretty sure that this female is pregnant.

Rhino with bullet wounds
The rhino was darted and her wounds treated.

Thank you to Sabie Game Park for your dedication to rhino conservation in Mozambique.  Follow them on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/SabieGameParkMozambique/

To donate to Saving the Survivors please visit our donations page.

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