
Harvey the White Rhino Brutally Poached

Unfortunately another tragic case of a rhino with horrific facial injuries after a brutal poaching.

Saving the Survivors faced a race against time to save Harvey, a young White rhino bull who was poached only a few days ago and had his front horn hacked off.



Dr Johan from the STS team attended to him, while the other vets kept him under immobilisation. His wound was badly infected, and there were also some sticks and leaves in his sinuses. This was all removed and cleaned. Carefully his wound was dressed with the appropriate dressings, and then covered with fibreglass, that acts as a bandage. We are confident his wounds will heal, although we will need several visits to attend to him to treat and cover his wounds.

We will keep you informed on Harveys progress. In the meantime, why not help and and ensure that Harvey is a survivor, by donating now?

Finally, thank you to our sponsors Ford WildLife and Craghoppers