
Dr Joao Leads Successful First Week of Elephant Collaring

This week, #teamsts in partnership with PPF, Elephants Alive and ANAC began the elephant collaring operation. It is going extremely well with 6 animals being fitted with brand new satellite collars and 2 recollared. These animals are also based around the protected landscape.
Limpopo National Park (Mozambique) is 1 million hectares in size. With few roads and vast wild landscapes, consequently, it is extremely difficult to find the elephants. The collaring team has already flown 6 hours with the helicopter. However, we have received full support of the LNP ranger team, which is 100 strong in the field, they are looking for fresh signs of elephants.
Collared animals will assist in law enforcement and strategic ranger deployment, human wildlife conflict mitigation and identification of ecological corridors between protected areas.
Limpopo National Park is part of the GLTCA (Greater Limpopo transfrontier conservation area). This includes Kruger NP in South Africa, Gonarezhou NP in Zimbabwe, Limpopo, Banhine and Zinave NP’s in Mozambique. The GLTCA is critical for elephant conservation in southern Africa. It certainly aims to re-establish Natural migration routes and seasonal movements of this emblematic Mammal.
Finally, thank you to our partners in this operation, Elephants Alive, ANAC and Peace Parks Foundation for their support.