Unfortunately, it is with heavy heart that we bring sad news of another innocent rhinos life lost to cruel poachers.
A magnificent adult White rhino bull shot through the front right leg by poachers two months ago. Initially, he was weight-bearing on the limb and he was treated a few times. His condition worsened and we were called for a second opinion.
Dr Marnus immobilized the rhino and Dr Zoe Glyphis assessed and took radiographs of the leg. He had severe fractures of the small bones that make up the carpus. There was a small open draining tract from the joint. Due to past experience and the severity of his injury we made the decision to euthanise him.
We lost this particular fight but it is important that we continue to do the work we do to ensure the survival of this species.
To help our fight against extinction please support the work we do by donating now.
Finally, thank you to Dr Marnus de Jager and thank you to everyone who continues to support our work. Ford Wildlife & Craghoppers