
Another Rhino Lost in the War Against Poaching

A large, adult White rhino bull was shot in one of our national reserves. However, he was only wounded and managed to get away. Team sts was called by the attending veterinarian in the reserve. They assisted with radiographs, as the bull was severely lame in his right front limb. This was where the bullet entry wound was clearly visible.

The radiographs showed a fracture at the level of the elbow joint. All in attendance decided to treat the wound and the bull, in order to give him a chance to recover. After he was given the antidote, he struggled immensely to get to his feet, and almost managed at one time.

After that he quietly lied and rest to gain some strength. Unfortunately, he tried again and again a while later. He then sadly died shortly thereafter. Another rhino lost due to the greed for rhino horn.

It’s really hard to understand why this keeps happening. At times it feels like we are losing the war. We must keep doing the work we are doing and fighting to protect these animals from the greed of poachers.

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Finally, thank you to Ford WildLife and Craghoppers.